An opportunity to have fun working with friends and families. Explore day to day life with science. Unleash imagination with hands-on DIY projects. A guaranteed way to have excitement while spending time without watching TV or cell phone. Work with experienced professionals to boost systems thinking. Whether you want to be a professional or a hobbyist, whether you are a science geek or a performing art enthusiast, whether you are a serious type or funny….. it doesn’t matter!

We, at Orexian Foundation, are STEM and Arts enthusiasts who love to work with kids of all ages. Being parents ourselves, we do see a need in the area where there is an opportunity to supplement school learning with day to day applications of science. Sometimes the link, between science and its daily applications, is not explicit and that’s where we come in. Our thinking is everything is an art or everything is science. Without arguing the definitions, one could find the Yin-Yang nature of these two aspects of life.
Projects for all ages!

Our SURGE-S4F™ workshops bring out the BEST in you!

Entertainment & learning should not be disjoint entities. Learning is very individual but is fortified when done in groups. There has been a lot of research done in this area and a couple of videos of world renowned experts in this field are shared on our site. We believe that exceptional learning comes from a balance of Sound Mind, Body and Spirit. Although this is very philosophical; our approach is very practical. Keeping this in mind we have concepted and designed our SURGE-S4F™ workshops.

See our SURGE-S4F™ program!